Christmas has come once again. And many Muslims around the world will be actually taking part in these festivities. They will do this without really questioning what they are doing, without even asking themselves if, as Muslims, they should be partaking in this.
Firstly, we are Muslims and we distinguish ourselves as being Muslims and following Islam. There is no need to follow the tradition of another religion, especially if we have been commanded by Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) not to. Allah Has Prescribed for us the festivities we should follow and there is no need to add to this by following something else. If celebrating Christmas was allowed, it would have been stated in hadith or the Qur’an. If doing this was ok, then would there be a need for Islam? Isn’t Islam enough for the Muslims?
“Whoever seeks a religion other than Islaam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.” [Aal ‘Imraan 3:85]
“Whoever seeks a religion other than Islaam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.” [Aal ‘Imraan 3:85]
Secondly, it isn’t the actual birthday of Isa/Jesus (AS). Christmas is depicted as being lots of snow, Christmas trees, Santa Claus, Reindeers, magical things – nothing to do with Christianity. It doesn’t snow in the Middle East, there’s no Christmas trees there, no such thing as Santa Claus, no such things as flying reindeers – absolutely nothing to do with Isa/Jesus (as). So what we are actually engaging in has no basis in any religion and as Muslims are supposed to be religious, then this is a bit hypocritical. Christmas has nothing to do with Allah or the Prophets, so as Muslims; it has nothing to do with us.
Even if Christmas WAS the birthday of Isa/Jesus (as), this is not something to be celebrated as, in Islam, Muslims are not supposed to celebrate birthdays.
We do not celebrate the Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) birthday and this was not done by the Sahabas (Companions) either. Those Muslims who do celebrate birthdays need to check their beliefs and look into why Islam does not allow this.
We do not celebrate the Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) birthday and this was not done by the Sahabas (Companions) either. Those Muslims who do celebrate birthdays need to check their beliefs and look into why Islam does not allow this.
If we talk about wishing “Merry Christmas”, so it is ‘Haraam’ in Islam, because wishing a Christian “Merry Christmas” is equal to believing that Jesus Christ was the “Son of God. According to Qur’an that Say, "He is Allah , [who is] One,Allah , the Eternal Refuge.He neither begets nor is born,Nor is there to Him any equivalent."
[surat Al-'Ikhlāş ]
According to Christianity, Jesus (pbuh) is the only begotten son of God & Christmas is celebrated as his birthday. Since this is considered as the biggest abuse given to God, Muslims are not allowed to wish Christians on this day.
They say: “(God) Most Gracious has begotten a son!” Indeed ye have put forth a thing most monstrous! At it the skies are ready to burst, the earth to split asunder, and the mountains to fall down in utter ruin, that they should invoke a son for (God) Most Gracious. For it is not consonant with the majesty of (God) Most Gracious that He should beget a son.” [Quran 19:88-92]Greeting on Christmas
According to Islam, God neither begets nor He is begotten
Muslims are not Christians, pagans, jews, buddhists, hindus, sikhs, atheists or belonging to any other religion or way of life. Muslims are Muslims and follow Islam. By celebrating Christmas you are actually following something else. And this undermines the strength of the Ummah. This is one of the reasons why the Ummah is weak – we do not adhere to Islam and only Islam. There is nothing wrong with saying that you are a Muslim and so do not celebrate Christmas. Non-Muslims respect this but it seems that Muslims do not want to feel like they are upsetting others.
The following hadiths are examples of how Muslims should not imitate the actions of non-Muslims.
He (pbuh) said: “When I came to you, you had two days which you used to celebrate in Jahiliyyah. Allah subhanahu ta’ala has replaced them for you with better days, the days of slaughter (Adhaa) and the day of fitr.”
What does Christmas mean to most people? Well most people are not devout Christians and do not even believe Christmas to be connected to Isa/Jesus (as). For these people, Christmas is just a time to feel good, have parties, have a good time. And that’s about it. This is not what Muslims are about or should be about.
Muslims need to start standing up for Islam and stop acting like non-Muslims. We are not Christians and do not hold to those beliefs, unless they coincide with what is from Qur’an and Sunnah. We are not pagans, taking part in rituals that have no significance with Allah.
This is not about Muslims being segregated from society but more the opposite. This is about Muslims standing up and being identified as Muslims – not as though they have some confused fusion of identities. Islam is clear and Muslims need to be also. By being identified as Muslims, what Muslims stand for, what Islam stands for, you will gain respect from other Muslims, gain understanding and respect from non-Muslims and start to create societies where Muslims can be seen to have their place. This is about societies welcoming Muslims and Islam – it isn’t about eating into Islamic identity, which is what those Muslims are doing who are taking part in Christmas, Easter, Diwali, Hannukah and other non-Islamic festivals.
What should Muslims do?
Muslims need to stop engaging in Christmas festivities, parties, the giving of presents, sending cards, giving Christmas greetings. This is not Islamic so don’t have one foot in Islam and one foot in something else – that is a hypocritical stance to have. Instead, celebrate Islam – you have two Eids and can make the most of this. Be devout and upstanding Muslims that non-Muslims can respect for their Islamic values and morals and beliefs. If you don’t then what do you stand for?
Muslims need to come to terms with an Islamic identity and the fact that we are ordered by Allah not to imitate the kufaar – the non-Muslims. If anything, the non-Muslims have much to gain by imitating Muslims and learning from Muslims. We should be the role models, not the other way round. How will non-Muslims learn the errors of their ways, if we imitate them? Also, if we imitate the non-Muslims in the things they do, then where do you draw the line? Would you take part in Diwali which celebrates the many gods of the hindus? This would be committing shirk – the worst sin in Islam. The fairest and most just way is to not engage in festivities that are not Islamic.
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