Saturday, 8 February 2014

ALLAH is important than everything else...

Only one man in the world who said I am God (Nauzubillah) and his name was Pharaoh, ALLAH mentions this in Quran.
فَقَالَ أَنَا رَبُّكُمُ الْأَعْلَىٰ
Then he said: I am your lord, the most high. (79:24)
In the era of Mossa A.S after wars, women were bought as slaves. One woman, Pharaoh had bought; she had two daughters one who could walk, and one who was a baby. She accepted  ALLAH when she know about ALLAH from Mossa A.S… when Pharaoh  knows about that , Pharaoh called her .He asked his slaves to bring a huge pot, in the pot he poured oil and started to fry it. When the oil got hot enough then, He asked the lady, that accept me as God and worship me, and I will full your house with gold or else I will put you and your daughters in this pot.
Now there are two possibilities one; do what he says and then she said forgive me ALLAH and live a life full of luxuries, and second; make Allah happy . But a stage of faith is come when faith in ALLAH is more important than anything…
She replied, I have 2 daughters if I have more than 2 I will sacrifice all just for ALLAH . Pharaoh got angry, he first put her first daughter …  daughter said mother… mother… and he put her  in the hot pot full of oil, Now you can imagine, a child, being burned and killed in front of her mother, just imagine her feelings…  But that lady, she got broken, but not a single drop fell from her eyes. Then ALLAH bless on her and she saw her daughter’s soul and soul said 
“Be patience my mother we will meet soon, you are in the truth, Allah has promised you with a great heaven, keep going mother.” Then Pharaoh took her second daughter, she will save her daughters, but she doesn't and second daughter also burned in hot pot. Again she saw a soul of her second daughter and soul said
“Be patience my mother we will meet soon, you are in the truth, Allah has promised you with a great heaven, keep going mother”. Now both her daughters were killed. Before she was going to be thrown, she made one request to Pharaoh, that was, when I die, burry mine and my daughters's bones together at one place, do not throw them away. He accepted that request. She was burned and as she had said, the bones of all of them were burried in one place.
Now the era of Hazrat Musa A.S and and era of  Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) have a difference of 2050 years approx . When prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) was going on Miraaj, he stop at a place from where the beautiful fragrance of Jannah was coming, He asked Jibrael (A.S) that… fragrance of Jannah come from earth Jibrael A.S said, it is the place where the  slave woman of Pharaoh with her two daughters are buried, and this fragrance comes continuously from that place to sky.  SUBHAN ALLAH.
Whenever we sacrifice something to please Allah, the rewards is unimaginable. May Allah grant us guidance and protection from evil… Ameen


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